martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

October 03- October 07


We finished the Workbook Unit 7,! Today we hasn't English Class :(


Today we checked the workbook Unit 7, and practiced some exercises about clothing and learn different words to use in our language, also we gave directions and locations in a Mall Store, we Working in our final project too, that's about create a clothing store and  sell my products, it'll be very funny ,!


We are begining this month and the English class is comfortable, because we are some people that work and practice our exercises, i'm working in my project still, until the next week.


We realized the workbook and write the exrecises in my notebook, because i forgot my book, and i can't find it, we are Unit seven this level is advanced and we have to do and understand all this Unit,!


English Lab,!

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