martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011

September 19 - September 23


Today we have seen three videos, about exercise:

Scene 1

a funny man is exercising in the office really he's anoying because he's making funny sounds and it's annoy, then his friend said: would you make that in another place,! , and he responded: No problem,! He went whit his another friend and he was still making exercise, at last your boss asked he : What are you doing?  and he said: You have to work,!

Scene 2

it was about the same office and the same people and the same creasy man making exercise, but now he was talking to his partner he was woman, and they was disctuting about your life in shape, and how long time they can run.

Scene 3

It was a review, a man made some questions to people in the park about their habits and how often they make exersice or if their are in shape, the people answered all question.


i had a interesting day, in the English class we were cheking the workbook and Grammar Booster, we started cheking our answers but some classmates don't have book, and me either, because i lost my book , and that's too sad, so i know that i nedd my book now, but i'll not buy the book again, it's some expensive, but i have to do something,!


We have been practicing different kinds of exercises , vocabulary , expressions, and rules to English Language , Sometimes we explained our questions or answers to the teacher, like a way to learn more. Today was that day, beacuse every day are about writing ,talking, listening or differents activities.


Really this was a tired day, i have to recharge batteries and put atention in class, to may get comprention and listen to understand, talk to develop lengual habilities, and read to know new words and sentences, that's perfectly to reach the 5 level, i think this is the correct way , we're work hardlier than ever,!



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